June 15-18
Seal Bay was one destination I was looking forward to. It is absolutely breathtaking. We came in and took a peek at Winter Harbor which is beautiful as well. There was bad weather coming in and it wasn’t quite as protected as Seal Bay. We went around the corner to Seal Bay and found a nice protected anchorage for our stay. We splashed the Hare and took a quick tour around the area and spotted several Harbor Seals in the water and sunning themselves on their favorite rock. On Friday we took a little stroll on a small island, OK more like a large rock. As predicted, the bad weather came in on Saturday and the anchor reset itself a couple of times for two reasons. One, the boat did a 360 so it probably pulled it up the first time because of it. The second because I didn’t interpret the painted length markers on the chain correctly and didn’t have enough scope for the depth. Oops. Other than that is was a great visit.