Preparing to Go

I am no longer waiting for a haul-out. Not gonna happen. Yacht Tech, who is working on my boat, said the boat yards are backed up with no end in sight. I talked to some others and this seems to be the case. So, on to plan b, c, whatever. I had the boat detailed and looks beautiful.

She won’t look this nice again for some time but it is nice while it lasts. At least we’ll be heading out in style.

I am getting a few remaining maintenance items done and then start provisioning and preparing to leave. Shooting for May 11 give or take a day. I need to be North of Cape Hatteras by June 1 to comply with my insurance policy. The plan is for 20 days to get there with some slack built in for weather, etc. You can follow me on a website called VesselFinder where you can find Terrapin’s location.    

TERRAPIN, Pleasure craft – Details and current position – MMSI 368181310 – VesselFinder

The website shows automatic identification system (AIS) locations for boats with a registered Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI). Similar to FAA aircraft identification system.  Terrapin’s MMSI is 368181310 if you go to another site. 

I will update the map on the home page as time and internet connectivity allow.

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