Let The Adventure Begin

I left Wednesday, May 19 for my trip North and anchored in Ft. Pierce FL.

As I expected the first day was a little rough. There were strong winds that challenged my captain skills and only embarrassed my self a couple of times. The first was passing a tug and was over-correcting my steering so I looked like a drunken sailor. I was expecting the police to catch up to me and give ma breathalyzer test. No damage other than my ego, that’s life. In Hobie Sound I ran aground because my auto-pilot Follow-Up lever stopped working with the rudder pointing to starboard. The steering wheel did work but not before I ran aground. I turned the auto-pilot off and on (old programmer trick) and it started working. Not sure if it was an auto-pilot failure or something I did to jam it. I need to keep an eye on that. I managed to wiggle my way back into deeper water and continued on. The rest of the journey was uneventful and needed a couple of tries to get the anchor set. Anchoring single-handed is a little harder than it looks. Finally got it and am happy to relax.