Heading North – Day 12

May 30, 2021

N31° 15′

The whole reason for the “Heading North” trip, especially the timing, was to meet the insurance requirements to be “North of Cape Hatteras by June 1.” Cape Hatteras is approximately at latitude North 31°, 15 minutes and I passed that mark at 1:12 p.m. today. My insurance coverage is less expensive because of that clause so they don’t have to cover hurricanes losses. The wind was howling again but was on my nose so things were much easier. It was cold (50’s) and had a misty rain coming down. I had planned to anchor on the South side of the Pamlico River but it offered no protection from the North wind. I proceeded across and up the Pungo River and entered the Belhaven harbor. What a relief. It has a nice harbor wall protecting it from the Pungo River and offered some protection from the North winds.

Next Morning