July 13 – 15
We are working our way to Boothbay and stopped for a night in our now familiar anchorage at Ebenecook Harbor on the Sheepscot River. It is such a convenient single day stop and large, easy anchorage to stay. The next day we continued up the Sheepscot River to Wiscasset. It is a nice little town that, unfortunately, has US1 running through the middle of town. Dodging traffic got a little old however the history and architecture are really interesting. There is a unique sunken garden built in the foundation of an old hotel that had burned down. I had never seen something like that before. While we were hanging out on Terrapin, I had a guy run up to our boat (yes, he can walk on water) and started up a conversation. It turned out he had seen us in Florida and took a picture of Terrapin going under the Haulover Bridge from his Trawler.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t a great memory. You’ll notice some whitewater in the middle of the bridge where the current was crazy strong. It took three attempts to get through because the current kept pushing me into the bridge abutments on either side. On top of that, this is at the end of Mosquito Lagoon that has quite a few shallow spots and usually have a couple of “keel cleaners” going through. It was a very stressful day. What are the chances I would happen upon someone in Wiscasset Maine that took a picture of me on that day in Florida!