June 22 2021
I spent a week in Yorktown and touring the surrounding area. Tom and Nancy met me in Yorktown and had nice dinner on the river walk. We toured Jamestown National Park the next day and had more good seafood. That night I was treated to a concert by the band En’Novation. Not exactly my kind of music but still fun to listen to.

I rented a car so I could visit sights in the area: Williamsburg, American Revolution Museum, Watermen’s Museum and Colonial National Historical Park which includes the battlefield and historical Yorktown. I definitely got my history fix. I took an afternoon and went across the bridge to drive through some the countryside. I ended up in Gloucester VA where they had a small historical district and visitors center. I was surprised they have a framers market on Saturday with food from actual farms. I loaded up on some blackberry and pecan syrup and bought a bacon and cheddar quiche. They also had sweet potato biscuits I couldn’t pass up. Made for a very nice brunch and breakfast on Sunday.

We had one of those infamous squalls that roll through the area today with gusts over 50kn and some pretty god waves tossing my neighbor around. Terrapin rode out the storm without hardly noticing. On to Mobjack Bay tomorrow to find a nice spot to anchor out.