May 26, 2021
Once I got out of Charleston Harbor it was a pretty easy day. I knew that was going to end as soon as I started into Winyah Bay and back into the ICW near Georgetown SC. When I did my research I knew I would be heading into a strong ebb tide current but couldn’t be avoided unless I wanted to anchor at dusk. I had had my fill of that so I chose to buck the current. Another rookie learning experience. A 3 knot current is pretty darn strong. My plan was to anchor in Winyah Bay but there was no way I felt confident anchoring in a 3kn current and a 20kn wind. So, I wisely kept going and found a nice little anchorage a few miles up the ICW. I was even greeted by an alligator inviting me for a swim.

Glad you did not take the alligator up on his offer!